European Commission: FP7
  • Developing new therapies
  • Enhancing individual therapies
  • Improving clinical diagnostics
  • Understanding mechanisms of pain

ncRNAPain Meeting in Mainz

April 30, 2015

18 months into the ncRNAPain project, the consortium gathered for a quick interim progress meeting at the University Medical Centre Mainz, Germany, on April 24, 2015. Work results as presented by the team members showed the remarkable progress made within ncRNAPain during the first project period. Achievements were actively discussed by the team and next steps to move forward towards the project goal determined. An executive summary informing about the consortium’s progress will be published on the ncRNAPain project website soon.

The next progress meeting has already been scheduled: it will be hosted by the ncRNAPain partner Université de Bordeaux in November 2015.

ncRNAPain is a four-year Collaborative Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. The project aims to tackle ncRNAs in pain syndromes for which treatments are either inexistent or inadequate, such as neuropathic and neurogenic pain. ncRNAPain will identify specific patterns of circulating ncRNA for improving diagnostic and prognostic precision, as well as their contribution to inter-individual variations in the response to painful stimuli and analgesic drugs.