European Commission: FP7
  • Developing new therapies
  • Enhancing individual therapies
  • Improving clinical diagnostics
  • Understanding mechanisms of pain

In the spotlight: EU funded pain research

July 29, 2015

Dario Kringel and Jörn Lötsch from the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Goethe – University, Frankfurt, Germany and members of the EU funded Gloria project have recently published a communication summarizing different initiatives in pain-related research funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).  Constituting not only a heavy burden for individual patients and their families, but also for national health systems in Europe, the European Union is supporting pain research with more than 46 million Euros provided to eight European consortia investigating low back pain, migraine and neuropathic pain, including phantom limb pain. ncRNAPain is one of these research projects focusing on chronic pain syndromes which develop after nerve damage, trauma, or surgery and are characterized by persistent and severe pain.

Kringel, D. and Lötsch, J. (2015), Pain research funding by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme. European Journal of Pain, 19: 595–600. doi: 10.1002/ejp.690