European Commission: FP7
  • Developing new therapies
  • Enhancing individual therapies
  • Improving clinical diagnostics
  • Understanding mechanisms of pain

Halftime at ncRNAPain

November 13, 2015

Almost exactly two years into the project, the ncRNAPain partners gathered on November 5-6, 2015 for their annual progress meeting. It was hosted by partner University of Bordeaux, directly opposite the impressive cathedral and next to the old town, a UNESCO world heritage. Coordinator Michaela Kress was very pleased to welcome the international consortium as well as Scientific Advisor Arn van den Maagdenburg for two days of intense discussions on work progress and next steps.

The presentations by the team members showed the huge progress achieved after half of the project duration, and particularly the dedicated subgroup meetings provided a sound foundation for determining the necessary steps towards the project goal. The coordinator, Michaela Kress, was extremely satisfied with the results so far, and in a short talk, scientific advisor Arn van den Maagdenburg stressed the extraordinary collaboration and continuous communication among the team members which he felt to be important factors in ensuring the project’s success.

The next meeting will take place in spring 2016 and will be hosted in Mainz.