European Commission: FP7
  • Developing new therapies
  • Enhancing individual therapies
  • Improving clinical diagnostics
  • Understanding mechanisms of pain

Scientific Approach & Objectives

Scientific Approach

The ncRNAPain consortium is convinced that there is strong justification and urgent need to pursue and achieve a timely, coordinated, and mechanism-based multi-disciplinary approach to tackle ncRNAs in pain syndromes for which treatments are either inexistent or inadequate, such as neuropathic and neurogenic pain. ncRNAPain will identify specific patterns of circulating ncRNA for improving diagnostic and prognostic precision, as well as their contribution to inter-individual variations in the response to painful stimuli and analgesic drugs.

Translational Research

ncRNAPain pursues a translational research approach: Specifically novel ncRNA based pain therapy will be validated in preclinical models during the project. To meet the urgent need for improved diagnostic standards and tools, diagnostic kits will be prepared for patient stratification and individual risk assessment.

Scientific Objectives

The overall objective of ncRNAPain is to better understand the generation of pain, its propagation, and how to ease pain and thus, help patients suffering from chronic pain.

In detail, the project seeks to achieve the following scientific objectives:

  • Identify pain predisposing ncRNA patterns as biomarkers for pain and inter-individual variations in the response to painful stimuli and analgesic drugs
  • Identify and validate ncRNAs as druggable molecular targets for pain prevention and pain relief
  • Understand ncRNA regulation of circuitries and processes modulating nociception and endogenous analgesia
  • Understand the role of ncRNAs in the cognitive, emotional and behavioural components of pain
  • Identify pain predisposing genetic polymorphisms in ncRNAs and/or their binding sites
  • Develop ncRNA-based diagnostic tools to enable better patient stratification, mechanism-based treatment and targeted prevention strategies for high-risk individuals